Why askblu.ai do not use the IDFA (Identifier for Advertisers).

What is the IDFA ?

Dominique Busso
1 min readJun 26, 2020

The IDFA (GAID on Android) helps mobile marketers attribute ad spent: knowing that the player launching your Game_A comes from an Ad of this game that this player has seen and touched in Game_B. It’s a mean to track a user across different mobile games, owned by different companies.

Apple announced at last GDC that starting with the release of iOS 14, app developers will need to ask users for their permission to track them across apps and websites owned by other companies.

Why askblu.ai does not use the IDFA?

Each game has a specific way to be played, depending on the type of game, the content, etc. That’s why in askblu.ai, each game is on a “silo”:
— each game has it’s own Machine Learning model,
— no data from players in Game_A are at any time used in Game_B, directly or indirectly( after processing).

This is in the core design of askblu.ai, that’s why we decided right at the start to not use the IDFA on iOS and the GAID on Android.



Dominique Busso

Investor & Mobile Gaming Consultant, expert in Data and AI #MachineLearning #startups #MobileGaming #GameTech #AI #SaaS #PrivacyByDesign