PinnedUsing Real-Time Churn Prediction in a Mobile GameIn mobile games, retention is key to increase the Life Time Value of the players and reach financial success. Wouldn’t it be great, when a…Feb 25, 2022Feb 25, 2022
From A/B Testing to Real-Time Player PersonalizationThe answer to the question “is A or B better for my players?” is often “it depends on the players, some like A, others prefer B!”. Until…Dec 12, 2020Dec 12, 2020
Data Science and Difficulty Tuning: a New Paradigm for Mobile Games!Our studio has spent a lot of time in the past trying to tune the difficulty of the stages in our games, without really knowing what was…Mar 13, 2020Mar 13, 2020
Machine Learning for mobile games: GameTune versus askblu.aiNow that we have more information about Unity’s GameTune, here is a quick comparison between GameTune and, the AI-SaaS solution…Oct 1, 2019Oct 1, 2019
Player retention still key to game monetization for subscription models like Apple ArcadeFor several years now, the freemium business model has been predominant in the mobile games market. This model generates much more…Apr 12, 2019Apr 12, 2019
Every Player Counts !The best game tuning you do will always hit a retention ceiling because it’s global to all players. Only personalized gameplay can break…Feb 23, 2018Feb 23, 2018